Tonight’s “Fine ‘Whine'” trickles from the “select gripes” of conspiracy among America’s Toxic Triad: Big Farming, Big Food, and Big Pharma. Are these factions in cahoots for Big Profits at the expense of our health and very lives? The thoughts and words of MD’s Dr. Mark Hyman (author of The Blood Sugar Solution) and Dr. David Perlmutter (author of Grain Brain) aid host Thomas Savino explore the issue. Prior to the topic of conspiracy of the Toxic Triad, Savino presents an interesting interview about Supreme Court tyrant Antonin Scalia The Big Buffoon. As usual, hear Veritas’ news anchor Sal Monella ​​start the program with news about Pluto’s “heart on,” Donald Trump’s plans for Disneyland, and the newest GOP presidential candidate Scott “Molotov” Walker.

This is Savino Veritas! Follow T.J on Twitter @tjsavino.

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